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News & Communication

Good home/school communication is crucial to pupils' wellbeing. 

Please keep your child's class staff informed if there is something that you think they should know about, e.g. changes at home. This can help us to understand your child's behaviour.

Class staff will ring/email home with good news, and also causes for concern. We appreciate some conversations can be stressful and difficult, please speak politely to staff, as we will to you.

Email is a very good way to keep in direct contact with your child's class staff, but of course if a matter is urgent, please ring the school office. They will try to get hold of someone who can help, but if staff are teaching or offsite they might not be able to get back to you immediately. The office team may be able to help, or to direct your call to another staff member. 

As a school we undertake far more intensive levels of contact than at a mainstream school, which we hope benefits us, you, and most importantly your child, but please remember that staff have to balance time spent on communication with their teaching and other duties, and be patient while they are trying to respond/solve a problem!

Keep us up to date

 If you change any of your contact details ie mobile number/address, please let the school office know too, so that we can update your contact details on the school database. We are always trying to improve communication, so feedback is valued. 

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