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Curriculum Overview


  • Pupils are taught in small classes and these classes are often split into smaller groups for activities.
  • Lessons are differentiated to allow for everyone to succeed.
  • As a Special School, all staff have a wealth of experience in dealing with pupils who do not find learning easy and have many innovative ways to get information across.
  • All children receive a broad and balanced curriculum along the same lines as a mainstream school but we teach at a slower pace with more time for consolidation of skills, this means that the work being done in Key Stage 3 could be from the programmes of study for Key Stage 2 as this may be more relevant level for the pupils.
  • Pupils in Key Stage 4 follow exam courses at their level, this could mean Pathways Entry Level qualifications which are below the level of GCSE, Functional Skills tests in Maths and English, Level One courses in Home Cooking skills, Level 1 & 2 in ICT and some pupils access courses off site ( e.g. mechanics, woodwork, hairdressing)  Please see our  KS4 Page  for further information on current course specifications and qualifications. 
  • We have specialist subject teachers for PE, French and Music in Key stages 3 and 4, In Key Stage 4 there are also specialist teachers for English, Maths, Science, Drama, Cookery, ICT and Art.
  • For additional information please read both our PACE and Pedagogy documents below.

Curriculum maps

Parents and Carers are provided with a curriculum map at the beginning of each term so they will be equipped to answer questions at home and also may wish to supplement their child’s education with extra experiences.

Primary Summer 2024

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