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School Nurse

The school nurse team have created a short video for you all to enjoy. Please click on the link below: 


First Aid

The school has carried out a First Aid needs assessment and has identified the following requirement. (The needs assessment must identify provision for term time and out of term time if the school is still in use):

  • There will be at least 49 people on the staff who have current first aid training, of which at least 7 will be qualified first aiders and at least 32 will be appointed persons.
  • There will be at least 7 paediatric first aiders.

Qualified First Aiders have completed the First Aid at Work 3 day initial training, followed by 2 day refreshers every 3 years and an annual ½ day refresher.

The current named first aiders for the school are available from both of the school offices.

First aid boxes are readily available and the First Aid Coordinator provides first aid support and maintains a central supply of first aid materials to supplement first aid boxes.  Parents/carers are expected to inform the school if their child has an allergy and a list of any such children is kept in the office and each classroom.

All injuries which come to staff attention, no matter how slight, are recorded on CPOMS and/or an HS2 Incident form. In case of doubt as to whether or not a child’s parent should be immediately alerted, staff contact their Head of Site or in their absence First Aid Co-ordinator / School Business Manager. In the event of an accident, if the parents (and their nominated contacts) are unavailable, the pupil may be sent to hospital to err on the side of caution. In these cases the pupil will be accompanied by a member of staff.


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