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Appointments & Absence

Hill Park School thanks you for supporting the regular and punctual attendance of your children at school.

If you child is absent please contact the school office by 9am to advise accordingly, you can leave a message on the answerphone. 

The school has by law a duty to record absence and the reasons for it and report as necessary to the Access to Education Officer for Brighton & Hove.

We do however fully understand that there may be periods of absence that are unavoidable. 

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance please do contact the school and we will do our best to answer any questions you may have or offer support where we can.

We understand that appointments with medical specialists cannot always be made outside the school day, but would ask that you do try and make dental check-ups and routine doctors’ appointments outside school hours where at all possible. 

Please ensure we have up to date contact details so that we can contact you if your child is unwell during the school day. 

If you child has had diarrhoea and/or vomiting please keep them off school for 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased. 

For more information about how long your child needs to stay off school following illness for please see the exclusion table here produced by Public Health England.


Request for leave for holidays during term time

Headteachers in Brighton and Hove are only able to authorise leave for holiday in term time in exceptional circumstances.  However, should a parent/carers  request a term time absence this should be done in writing to the Headteacher with sufficient notice. Where the decision is made not to authorise the absence,  the Headteacher will issue a letter to the parent/carer which will include a warning that a penalty notice may be issued.

 Please check the Brighton and Hove city council's page regarding requesting leave and fixed penalties for unauthorised absence.

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