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Personalised Provision

  • We have provision for pupils aged 4 to 16 
  • We have specialist classes for pupils with PMLD, ASC, SLD and MLD as we believe their learning environments need to be different 

SLD (with/ without autism)and PMLD classes have a teacher who teaches them for all subjects , whereas some MLD classes (with / without autism) have specialist teachers for French, Maths , English, Drama, Music and Art. The emotional and learning needs of the pupils are considered when deciding how many teachers they experience during a school day.  
Some pupils with Attachment needs have a key adult to provide emotional security through the day. 

Lower Site 

We have 12 classes on the Lower Site, each with the equivalent of 1 full time teacher and an average of 2 Teaching Assistants, although this varies according to each class' needs. The average class size is around 7 pupils. All pupils have individualised targets set across the whole curriculum, called Next Steps . These are set and reviewed termly. All children have Home /School Books and some classes also send a class email home daily with more general information. We have two parent / teacher consultations per year. Annual review meetings for your child's EHCP are held. 

Upper Site 
We have 13 classes in the Upper Site school each with the equivalent of 1 full time teacher and an average of 2 Teaching Assistants, although this varies according to each class' needs. The average class size is around 9 pupils. All pupils have individualised targets set across the whole curriculum, called Next Steps . These are set and reviewed termly. Some children have home/school books and we telephone parents regularly to explain issues that have happened at school or pass on praise for positive behaviour or work.  
We have two parent/teacher consultations a year. Annual review meetings for your child's EHCP are held.

Curriculum Offer

Holistic Support for your child

Specialist services

  • Speech therapy (NHS)
  • Occupational therapy (NHS)
  • Physiotherapy (NHS)
  • Epilepsy Specialist Nurse (NHS)
  • Paediatricians (NHS) 
  • Counselling
  • Attachment workers
  • Connexions (for transition planning)
  • School nurse for medicals and training of staff
  • Music service for instrument tuition
  • Music Therapists 
  • Casework officers
  • BHISS 
  • Visual Impaired Teacher 
  • Hearing Impaired Teacher 
  • Multi Sensory Impaired Teacher 
  • Educational Psychologists
  • PaCC 
  • Social Services

Music Therapy

 There are lots of different reasons why a pupil may be referred to music therapy. It might be for social, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, learning and communication needs.


Specialist Communcation Staff

We have a member of staff who works with pupils to support their communication needs .

Samantha Edgar works on the lower site and has specialist training in Makaton, PECS, Eye Gaze, Communicate in Print and other communication software. She also works closely with speech and language and other therapists.



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