We expect children to be dressed in a neat and practical way which uses the school colour of royal blue and navy blue. Jeans and sports clothes are not acceptable, jogging trousers are suitable for younger primary pupils.
The supplier of the uniform for Hill Park School is LOGO SPORTS and you can order the uniform online at www.logo-schoolwear.co.uk or visit their shop at Industrial House, Conway Street, Hove, BN3 3LW. Tel no 01273 321209.
The shop is open Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm and you may also be able to arrange a quiet time to visit by giving them a call.
The Hill Park uniform is as follows:
PRIMARY DEPARTMENT: Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
- Royal Blue Sweatshirt, Cardigan or Zipped Fleece with white logo
- Pale Blue Polo Shirt with navy logo
SECONDARY DEPARTMENT: Year 7, 8,9,10 and 11
- Navy Blue Sweatshirt, Cardigan or Zipped Fleece with white logo
- White Polo Shirt with navy logo
- Grey/Black/Navy Trousers or skirt (from any supplier)
- PE – Navy T-shirt with printed white logo and Navy shorts (from any supplier)
For PE, swimming and games lessons, children may need:
Plimsolls/indoor trainers
Plain Navy/Navy T-shirt with printed white logo
Navy PE shorts or skirt (for girls who choose)
Swimming costume/trunks/shorts
For those who choose football:
Football boots and shin pads (for safety reasons).
Apart from the school’s fleece and sweatshirt, items obtainable in multiple and chain stores are acceptable. Please mark clearly all clothing with your child’s name.
Upper school pupils who attend College Links, Vocational Experience or similar visits should be suitably attired for their place of employment.
There are occasionally other activities, which require particular clothing when you and your child will be advised.
Certain footwear such as high heeled shoes should not be worn for health and safety reasons. Jewellery should not be worn, but stud earrings and watches are permitted. Dangling earrings, bracelets and necklaces should not be worn, again for health and safety reasons.
Second Hand Uniform
We have second hand uniform shops on Primary and Secondary sites. As part of our move to be a more Eco-friendly school, combined with the rising cost of living, we are encouraging the use of second-hand uniforms.
If you would like some uniform please let the class team know via the home school book (indicating items wanted, size and quantity) or speak to office staff. The uniform will be given to you as soon as we have the sizes that you require in stock. There is no charge for second hand uniforms. If you would like to make a donation for items, then this can be done via ParentPay.
If you have any clean (no stains) uniform that is in good condition that you would like to donate to the second hand shop then please send into school with your child. Depending on items received we may have to stop donations for short periods as we have limited storage but will let you know when items are needed again.