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Supporting Hill Park School

Friends of Hill Park

Friends of Hill Park is a groups of friends and families that provide tremendous support to the school. They host regular social and fund raising events that enable the school to purchase additional resources. They have funded everything from minibuses and playgrounds, to theatre trips and ice creams.  They cannot do this without your help. All parents, carers, families and staff are automatically part of Friends of Hill Park and so if you are able to offer help in any way then please contact the school office on 01273 422855 or email admin@hillpark.brighton-hove.sch.uk.

Thank You

Thank you to all of the following for their generosity and support.

CO-OP for funding towards our secondary playground

* Tesco Bags of Help Scheme for £4,000 towards the secondary playground

* Friends of Hill Park for their tireless support and endless contributions

* To everyone who sponsored our 2017 marathon runners, raising around £5,000

* Southover Manor Trust for £2.000 towards Ipads

* Trefoil for £1,000 towards our 2017 Secondary Residential trip

* Happy Days Children's Charity for £1,000 towards our 2018 residential trip

* Wooden Spoon for £10,699 towards our primary   playground refurbishment

* Wolfson Trust for £25,000 towards our Hydrotherapool refurbishment

* Tony Barnard Foundation for communicatin aids for   individual students

* Mencap for their continued support of our residential trips

* The Childrens Charity Variety for important equipmnt for our PMLD classes

* Variety and Variety Golf Society for sponsoring our newest minibus at the Lower site

* Local Freemason contributions towards additional     resources

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