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Governing Body

         Who are we? 

         The Governing Body consists of members elected from the Local Authority, the School staff, the parents and                    the community. Check out our Governors Biographies here. 

         What is our role?

         Our role is to help the school provide the best possible education for the pupils.

         The three core functions of this role as set out by the Department for Education are:

  • Ensuring a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school making sure its money is well spent

Who are our key members? 

         Chair of Governors - Robert Hardy

         Vice Chairs - Lisa Grufferty & Clare Whitworth

         Pupils & Curriculum Sub-Committee Chair - Sarah Berliner

         Personnel & Finance Sub-Committee Chair - Robert Hardy

Message from the Chair of Governors

Members of our Governing Body

Governors Declaration of Interest

Minutes of meetings

Minutes from the Full Governing Body meetings are published once they have been agreed at the following meeting.

Meetings attended

Governor Allowances

How to contact the governors

The governing body is chaired by Robert Hardy and governance support is provided by Amy Folcik. To contact the governing body please contact


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